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Outdoor Learning in your setting

How Outdoor Learning can support the 'new' school day

The DfE Planning Guide for Primary Schools and the supplementary guidance ‘Implementing protective measures in education and childcare settings’ both invite schools to consider how they can use outside space for exercise, breaks and outdoor education where possible, as this can limit transmission and more easily allow for distance between children and staff.

Taking classes outdoors is not only possible, it is recommended by the DfE.

As well as supporting the delivery of the curriculum in a socially distanced way, outdoor learning can also help improve the health and wellbeing of both children and staff.  Learning outdoors can give children the time, space and opportunity to work through their experiences from the last few months of 'lockdown', helping them to develop resilience, re-connect with the World and socialise in a safe environment.

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Click here to download the latest edition of Horizons magazine and read our article on pages 33-35.

We specialise in working with schools to embed Outdoor Learning into the school curriculum.  This can be done through weekly sessions with classes (where staff come out to be trained in delivering outdoor learning sessions), planning sessions with staff to embed outdoor learning in all areas of the curriculum (either as twilight training or as part of TD days) or through regular support sessions.  Please see our St. Joseph's case study below to see how this might work for your school.

We have worked in all settings, from nurseries to secondary schools, supporting the deliver of EYFS learning goals, KS1 - KS4 curriculum learning objectives as well as GCSE and 'A' Level coursework.

We also work with Bath Spa, Gloucester and Worcester Universities, running sessions on Outdoor Learning for their PGCE and BEd teaching students.

If you school is interested in delivering a broad and balanced curriculum which includes activities delivered outdoors in your own setting, in a socially-distanced way and directly linked to your school curriculum, then please contact us to see what we can do to support your staff and children.

For more information, contact us by email:

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How to embed outdoor learning into your school curriculum - a case study.

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